Soil to soul. Veld to fork. Nose to tail.
We supply a basketful of delicious, nutritious farm produce from Prieska to your door.
About Lowerland
Waar die Bo-Karoo hom disnis loop teen die duine duskant Niekerkshoop lê die landerye en boorde van Lowerland, ’n herlewingsboerdery op die Oranjerivier se walle.
Lowerland is a regenerative family farm on the banks of the Orange River, between Prieska and Niekerkshoop in the expansive Northern Cape Province of South Africa. We farm from soil to soul to produce an assortment of delicious, nourishing, and authentic foodstuffs. We grow a variety of animals, annual and perennial crops with a focus on regenerative agriculture, holistic design and diversity throughout the system.
Our vision & regenerative journey
Ons visie is om ’n mandjie vol natuurlike, voedsame en heilsame produkte te produseer deur saam met die natuur te werk.
The diversity of products we offer in our basket reflects the biodiversity and health of the soil and the farm. We bring our products straight to consumers, making it as accessible and affordable as possible. We strive to farm sustainably and regeneratively with a focus on perennial species. We also want to explore and demonstrate resilient solutions, on a small and large scale, to agricultural issues toward climate change and geopolitical challenges. By creating a safe, prosperous, and environmentally regenerative farm we aim to serve this and future generations. Through our contribution toward social and environmental regeneration we hope to inspire, teach, and capacitate others to do the same, while contributing to a healthy food system.
Since 2016, our perennials, grains, and vegetable crops are certified organic and we continue to convert more fields and animals to organic practices each year. Our agricultural practices include
- Crop rotations
- High density holistic grazing with mixed herds of grazing animals
- Closed loop, integrated production systems
- Interplanting, green planting, no till planting and relay cropping
- Using cover crops and manure to increase soil fertility and lower external inputs
- Minimal interventions, moving away from synthetic fertiliser and chemical control measures
Our farming vision also extends to skills development, equal opportunities, and positive partnerships. Click here to find out more about internship opportunities.